As a result of the Training onsite – MOD 1, a report highlighting the Workshop’s outcomes and the results with regard to the NFP Profile and the Service Organisation has been elaborated. The report is avaliable in the documents section below.
The webinar “The NFP Profile and the organisation – How it should be designed and how to cooperate together through a community” has been an occasion to present the results and discuss the development of cooperation efforts on the further definition of the profile and to co-create the EU4Health NFPs Interaction Platform content as a concrete tool for the strengthening of the network.
The webinar has been recorded (with the exception of the group discussion in between plenaries), the videos are available at the following links:
We take this occasion to invite you to register (if not yet done) to the EU4Health NFPs Interaction Platform.
JA NFP4Health Report on the EU4Health Technical-Soft Skills Mod. 1 Workshop’s Outcomes_May 2023