Under the current Multi-annual Financial Framework of the European Union (MFF 2021 – 2027), actions that pertain to improving health and well-being in the EU and beyond are supported by multiple streams of funding, covering different dimensions of action, and working in synergy with each other.
Chief among them is Horizon Europe (2021-2027), the EU current 9th research and innovation programme, as well as EU4Health, the Union’s 4th programme for action specifically on health, the latter taking a public health- and implementation-oriented outlook.
Within Horizon Europe, health funding is provided on the one hand under the Programme’s Cluster 1, Health (one of 6 thematic Clusters) and on the other hand under the Mission Cancer (one of 5 thematic Missions supported under Horizon Europe).
This fact sheet, developed jointly by the network of Horizon Health National Contact Points (NCPs), HNN3.0, and the network of EU4Health National Focal Points (NFPs), NFP4Health, is intended to provide health stakeholders with a side-by-side comparison of some of the key features and possibilities of health funding under each programme.
Joint Fact Sheet by HNN3.0 and NFP4Health: Health funding in EU4Health and Horizon Europe.