NFP4Health – Training Plan

This document has been produced in the context of the Joint Action NFP4HEALTH and in particular as one of the key activities of WP6 that focuses on Capacity Building for National Focal Points. The present Training Plan directly addresses the expertise and the skills (technical and soft) of the National Focal Points involved in the…

EU4Health – Second Wave Calls Pubblication

HaDEA (European Health and Digital Executive Agency that manages the EU4Health programme), has launched new calls for proposals, under the EU4Health 2022 Annual Work Programme aimed at cancer and non-communicable diseases with the deadline for applications is the next 28th February 2023. Following topics are open for submission: EU4H-2022-PJ-11 : Call for proposals on NCDs…

Results of 2023 EU4Health Stakeholders’ Event – 8th July 2022

The presentations and recording of the event are available in the EU4Health website. With a budget of EUR 5.3 billion for the period 2021-27, EU4Health represents an unprecedented stance of financial commitment for an EU investment in health. EU4Health represents the European Union’s response to the current health emergency and is expected to contribute significantly…

Targeted Consultation on the EU4Health priorities, strategic orientations and needs

The Commission has launched a Targeted Consultation aimed at the European health community. This includes organisations representing patients, civil society, and other parties active in public health and social issues; healthcare professionals and healthcare providers; researchers, academia and experts networks; businesses and their associations; and Member States authorities. The consultation is an opportunity for the…

Two new Prior Information Notices under EU4Health

Published by HaDEA two Prior Information Notices for call for tenders to be funded under the EU4Health 2022 Annual Work Programme. Interested parties are invited to consult TED and e-Tendering for the possible publication of the contract notice and tender documents. Multiple Framework Contracts in Cascade for Support Actions in the Field of Tobacco Control The main…