Online Training JA NFP4Health: Webinar “Horizon Europe Cluster Health – Funding Opportunities in the framework of Work Programmes 2023-2024” 18.04.2023

In the framework of the JA NFP4Health’s Activities, the next appointment of the Training Online will be organized on the next 18 April (11am-12.30pm). The Webinar intends to introduce Horizon Europe, the European Framework Program for Research And Innovation (2021-2027) by presenting its context, structure, funding schemes and the main rules for participation, with particular attention to open…

Lithuania Info Day EU4Health Programme and Annual Work Programme 2023 – 11 April 2023

The Ministry of Health of the republic of Lithuania will organizeOn 11 April 2023, from 9:00 to 14:30 an InfoDay to provide information about the EU4Health Programme and Work Programme 2023, its funding opportunities and Lithuania’s experience in participating in the EUHealth Programme. The purpose of the event is to provide information about the application…

International Medical Device Regulators Forum – IMDRF – 23rd Management Commitee Meeting 27-31 March

The IMDRF  – International Medical Device Regulators Forum is a voluntary group of medical device regulators from around the world who have come together to contribute to a Global Harmonisation Task Force on Medical Devices (GHTF) and aims to accelerate international harmonisation and regulatory convergence of medical devices. The 23rd Session of the IMDRF –…