European Commission published the first State of Health Preparedness Report

The Covid-19 pandemic prompted the European Union to organise structural responses in terms of prevention and response to health emergencies. The first report on health preparedness, published on 30 November 2022, emphasised medical countermeasures. In 2021, the establishment of the Health Emergency and Response Authority – HERA – allowed achieving structural results in health preparedness,…

EU4Health Annual Work Programme 2023

 The 2023 EU4Health work programme was adopted on November 21st. The annual work programme of EU4Health supports a vast range of actions under following overarching strands with a cross- cutting focus on cancer: Crisis preparedness; Health promotion & disease prevention; Health systems & healthcare workforce; The new work programme will notably support initiatives to address…

Online Training JA NFP4Health: EU4Health Technical/Soft Skills – Module 1 – Second Edition Vienna – 21-22.11.22

In the framework of WP6, the second edition of Module 1-  EU4Health Training Technical/Soft Skills is organized on the 21 – 22 November in Vienna. 21 November: 14.00 – 18.30 22 November: 09.00 – 16.30 The second edition hosted by Austria will be attended by participants from Austria, Italy, Poland, Serbia and Spain.  The training…

Online training JA NFP4Health “NFP Profile: a practical tool for defining EU4Health NFPS key characteristics and peculiarities to implement EU4Health Programme” – 24.11.2022

The Joint Action on increasing the capacity of National Focal Points (NFPs) – NFP4Health, funded under the European Public Health Programme, aims to contribute at creating an innovative, sustainable, and coherent network of National Focal Points that will increase the capacity of Member States to design and create sustainable actions to promote the achievement of the…

EU4Health – Second Wave Calls Pubblication

HaDEA (European Health and Digital Executive Agency that manages the EU4Health programme), has launched new calls for proposals, under the EU4Health 2022 Annual Work Programme aimed at cancer and non-communicable diseases with the deadline for applications is the next 28th February 2023. Following topics are open for submission: EU4H-2022-PJ-11 : Call for proposals on NCDs…

Results of 2023 EU4Health Stakeholders’ Event – 8th July 2022

The presentations and recording of the event are available in the EU4Health website. With a budget of EUR 5.3 billion for the period 2021-27, EU4Health represents an unprecedented stance of financial commitment for an EU investment in health. EU4Health represents the European Union’s response to the current health emergency and is expected to contribute significantly…