Online Training JA NFP4Health: Webinar “Horizon Europe Cluster Health – Funding Opportunities in the framework of Work Programmes 2023-2024” 18.04.2023

In the framework of the JA NFP4Health’s Activities, the next appointment of the Training Online will be organized on the next 18 April (11am-12.30pm). The Webinar intends to introduce Horizon Europe, the European Framework Program for Research And Innovation (2021-2027) by presenting its context, structure, funding schemes and the main rules for participation, with particular attention to open…

Onsite Training JA NFP4Health: NFPs Programme EU4Health Technical/Soft Skills – Module 1 – 4th Edition – Prague, 30-31.03.2023

In the framework of WP6, the fourth edition of Module 1-  EU4Health Training Technical/Soft Skills is organized on the 30 March (14.00 – 18.30) and 31 March (09.00 – 16.30) in Prague, Czech Republic. The fourth edition will be hosted in the Ministry of Health Premises – Prague, and will be attended by participants from Czech Republic,…

Online Training JA NFP4Health: EU4Health Technical/Soft Skills – Module 1 – Second Edition Vienna – 21-22.11.22

In the framework of WP6, the second edition of Module 1-  EU4Health Training Technical/Soft Skills is organized on the 21 – 22 November in Vienna. 21 November: 14.00 – 18.30 22 November: 09.00 – 16.30 The second edition hosted by Austria will be attended by participants from Austria, Italy, Poland, Serbia and Spain.  The training…

Online training JA NFP4Health “NFP Profile: a practical tool for defining EU4Health NFPS key characteristics and peculiarities to implement EU4Health Programme” – 24.11.2022

The Joint Action on increasing the capacity of National Focal Points (NFPs) – NFP4Health, funded under the European Public Health Programme, aims to contribute at creating an innovative, sustainable, and coherent network of National Focal Points that will increase the capacity of Member States to design and create sustainable actions to promote the achievement of the…

NFP4Health – Training Plan

This document has been produced in the context of the Joint Action NFP4HEALTH and in particular as one of the key activities of WP6 that focuses on Capacity Building for National Focal Points. The present Training Plan directly addresses the expertise and the skills (technical and soft) of the National Focal Points involved in the…