
Cancer affects everyone regardless of age, gender or social status and represents a tremendous burden for patients, families, and societies at large.

By joining efforts across Europe, the Mission on Cancer together with the Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan will provide a better understanding of cancer, allow for earlier diagnosis and optimise treatment and improve cancer patients’ quality of life during and beyond their cancer treatment.

EU Beating Cancer Plan


  • Saving lives through sustainable cancer prevention
  • Improving early detection of cancer
  • Equal access to cancer diagnosis and treatment
  • Improving quality of life for cancer patients and survivors


  • Knowledge Centre on Cancer
  • European Cancer Imaging Initiative
  • Eliminate cancers caused by Human papillomavirus
  • EU Cancer Screening Scheme
  • EU network of National Comprehensive Cancer Centres
  • Cancer Diagnostic and Treatment for All
  • European Initiative to Understand Cancer
  • Better life for cancer patients’ initiative
  • Cancer Inequalities Registry
  • Helping Children with Cancer Initiative
Horizon Europe Cancer Mission


The Mission on Cancer has set the ambitious overall goal, to be jointly achieved with the Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan, of improving the lives of more than 3 million people by 2030, through prevention, cure and for those affected by cancer including their families, to live longer and better.


The Mission on Cancer has set the ambitious overall goal, to be jointly achieved with the Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan, of improving the lives of more than 3 million people by 2030, through prevention, cure and for those affected by cancer including their families, to live longer and better.

The 4 Mission objectives

  • Understanding of cancer
  • Prevention and early detection
  • Diagnosis and treatment
  • Quality of life for patients and their families


  • The Horizon Europe programme provides €378.2 million in seed funding during the period 2021-23 to support the implementation of the mission;
  • Implement a strategic research and innovation agenda to better understand and treat cancer;
  • Improve the quality of life of patients and their families;
  • Establish high level collaboration within the cancer community, support a network of Comprehensive Cancer Infrastructures, set up the EU platform UNderstanding ( and create the European Cancer Patient Digital Centre


The Mission on Cancer is an integral part of the Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan. Both initiatives were developed in close co-ordination. Several of the mission proposed activities, namely the initiative, a network of Comprehensive Cancer Infrastructures, the Cancer Patient Digital Centre, screening guidelines, and the Childhood Cancer initiative will support the Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan and thus creating a seamless link between R&I and policies.

Other synergies:

1.      Understanding 2.      Prevention 3-4. Screening, early diagnosis, treatment and quality of life initiatives considered as more general ‘enablers’
  • Partnership on Assessment of Risk from Chemicals
  • European Cancer Information System


  • Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability
  • Zero Pollution Action Plan
  • The Erasmus+ programme for education, youth and sport
  • HealthyLifestyles4all initiative
  • Innovative Health Initiative
  • Partnership on Transforming Health and Care Systems
  • ERA-Net for personalised medicine (ERA-PerMed
  • Strategic Agenda for Medical Ionising Radiation Applications (SAMIRA)
  • Pharmaceutical Strategy
  • European Health Data Space
  • EU Digital Agenda
  • Knowledge Centre on Cancer (KCC)
  • The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) and its Knowledge and Innovation
  • Communities (KICs)
  • The European Universities Initiative
  • Digital transformation and skills
  • The New European Bauhaus initiative